
Monday, June 29, 2009
Nothing is Original

This was me few months ago with my diy shirt.

While below is some model from some overpriced-overrated-found at pixiemarket-line recently.

Yeah okay this is from Stolen Girlfriend's Club. Remember the infamous white jersey dress that is cut out and accessorised with safety pins? The one that cost $162 or something? Remember? You can't recall? Then I should cut your skull open. Remember my skull cake post? Yeah like that. Do you remember? I sound like Dora the Explorer now.

Do you remember this jacket? The one I wore with my leather kneepads? I'm glad you don't remember. Worn with my overworn Levis 501 and my new strappy/bandage I don't know what you call it heels. Its fucking comfortable I could go hiking in these heels. Worth my $20. The most comfortable and cheapest and raddest heels I've ever bought. How's H1N1 going on?

6:24 AM

Saturday, June 27, 2009

This is so not me, but I want to go to war like you do. It makes an imperfect person like me to realize that life can be worthwhile when I fight or die in what I believe in. I don't care about the internet, education, fashion, friends or whatever in this world that are temporary. Just fight, weep for your dead brothers and continue fighting. You know, I just want to be one of those soldiers. Strong, brave and rugged. In their minds they just want to save their families and there's no time to think about their own imperfections or mistakes.
Now tell me why am I writing crap at 1am. I always have this feeling that im 40% man. And the rest goes to me being a woman and really emotional.

9:32 AM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009





7:03 AM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Ribena Children

+2 Layer Top- Tampines
+Military crop Jacket (modified)- Ebay
+Levis 501

I love my new haircut. I'm going to name it Poporiyo. I'm not going to shampoo Poporiyo for a week. Because Poporiyo look nicer when its greasy.

7:37 AM

Monday, June 22, 2009

Probably the best movie of the year. Apart from Detroit Metal City. Ahhh more movies like this please.

8:08 AM

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Oooook. So now people are aware about my obsession with aliens, my cousin Korny bought me an alien hairclip. Epic. Its huge and can't be anymore obvious and pretty. Thanks babe I love it!!
And I'm loving my new Organza? (I think its organza because it feels exactly like my organza curtains) Cut-out Sleeves top. Its actually a black crop top. I wore it over a navy suede dress. Nevermind the heat!!

Anyway I've a new video. A second attempt of making Craft & Destroy using food. The first one "Bread" was a failed one. Video is below and I used mini pretzels.

Craft&Destroy from Siti Stereo on Vimeo.

1:54 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Photo credit to TongueChic and Seven New York.

7:56 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

If you don't listen to Sonic Youth, you're somehow wasting your time on this planet. Sonic Youth is the most vampiric bands of all. They don't age.

12:22 AM

Monday, June 15, 2009
Not like you don't know me.

8:58 AM

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why Christopher Kane should be immortal?

1. He is not afraid of ugliness.
2. He is fed up with florals.
3. He wanted to remind us of the global issues such as the extinction of wildlife such as monkeys and also about North Korea launching the nuclear mojojojo. The thinning of the ozone layer has
also caused the discolouration of clouds/sky.
4. Even the shoes have the ability to send that message.
5. Makesmewannawearshockingpicturesalso. -___-

+ Bf's psychedelic Jimi Hendrix shirt.
+ Fake thrifted YSL shirt.
+ Furrmuse pants.

When Coco Chanel once said "Wear fake to demolish luxury", I believe it by heart.

11:24 PM

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Let me Photoshop my armpit first.

- This is quite a massive post. I do not know what it means.
- I do not know what it means when I post 2 pictures of me giving the same pose.
- You can see I'm in love with my Jodhpur and my new shades costs $2.
- Oh I wore those wellingtons out in a sunny day. Actually no. They're not mine.
- That snake is not my new accessory either. Its a candy.
- I love paisleys.
- You can see that my bra is ill-fitting.
- You are sick reading my points already.

8:36 AM

Monday, June 8, 2009

10:52 PM

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

No actually fuck my blog. And fuck 87584769 others blog.
Photo from BleachBlack

7:21 PM

Siti Stereo
Photobucket THE UNDERDOG
