People really want to know where I shop. Well actually I don't really "shop." The ideal picture of shopping is entering an apparel shop in a shopping mall and exiting with paper bags filled with new clothes. Or in 2k9 almost everyone just need to press add-to-cart and check-in.
But my term of shopping is entering a confined space filled with moulded smell (Salvation Army), or I have to brush shoulders with people mostly men (Sungei Road), press the Bid button and pray to God no one else is going to bid on that second-hand DKNY coat (Ebay) and yes I have mainstream taste like u so I go to blogshops to0.

In Salvation Army, a simple dress cost a minimum of $4, shoes minimum of $8 and jackets/coats at less than $15. Depends on the size of the store, I usually spend about 1 1/2hour for a small store to rummage through the apparels, shoes, bags and house equipments. Usually I look out for jackets with cool details, pencil skirts, printed shirts and quirky belts. Notice how they arrange the apparels but usually they separate them by types like "office suits", "long dresses", "winter coats" etc. Its easier if you know the arrangements as its easier to navigate for the stuff youre looking for. Also, sometimes they do not state the price of the item. It means that you have to ask the staffs. One tip to give you, look out for small defects so you could ask for a cheaper price OR make a sympathic face OR just look poor. I don't know if bargaining is legal but I usually suggest lower estimation when buying in bulk. The Salvation Army also provide membership cards where you can get 10% off from the receipt. Its free.
1.309 Upper Serangoon Rd Singapore 347693
2.Changi Conference 7 Upper Changi Rd North Singapore 507705
3.500 Upper Bukit Timah Road Singapore 678106

I used to have a problem with Ebay and Yahoo Auction(now GMarketplace). I got addicted to online shopping and I spent 90% of my allowance on it every week. I love the thrill of bidding and getting positive points by sellers. Once I got really upset because I lost the bid to a Tsumori Chisato dress I really wanted so badly, so I withdrew myself from online shopping and I got over the addiction. Wtf. I was only 15 and I already a slave to Ebay. Anyway, usually in Ebay I search for stuffs I can't find offline or second-hand branded goods. You can get cheap denim jackets and really cheap heels in
When stating your search in worldwide Ebay, you should narrow down your search. Example, if you want to find Doc Martens in Black size 7 then you should state that in the search portal. Or "vintage-tweed-winter-coat". Because if you just state Doc Martens, 1000 different models and sizes will show up and it waste your time to search for what you really wanted.
However, for I find that choices are very limited for certain items. When items are limited, you have to be "kiasu". I would usually just type in "Reebok" or "Boots" in the search engine and it usually yields less than 5 pages of related items.
Also if youre on a budget, on the left hand side of Ebay you can find the Price filter. You can search for "Dress" and then select Price Range from $___ to $___ and this will result in available dresses that cost the minimum to maximum you've selected.
I don't usually buy apparels here. I only look out for shoes and first generation Gameboys. Once I got a gameboy cartridge for free from a girl my age. She is sooo nice and the cartridge is still in working condition! Vintage vinyls, Bruce Lee posters, beaded bags, vintage cameras, hooker heels, porn dvds, toys..... I love dirty shopping. And bargaining. And wearing someone's stolen shoes. Shoplifters of the world, unite.

Some of you may buy F21 or AA online because its cheaper/cheap but I usually go for Taiwan sprees as its cheaper and the stuffs are much more....better looking I guess. Me and Catherine set up our own blogshop where we only do sprees. Our spree have no capping and will close at 19 February 09.

All available at
THAT FASHION. Yes its called That Fashion because we found out that people don't like to go to This Fashion as its labelled as Auntie Empire so if you don't want to go to This Fashion then you should go to That Fashion.